Students from foreign educational systems without an agreement

General information

Access for students from foreign educational systems, with the previous homologation request from the original degree to the Spanish Baccalaureate degree.


As in provided in the RD 1892/2008, can abide to it the students:

  • who want to access to official postgraduate university studies and who come from foreign educational systems not included in the section above;
  • students included in the section above but who don't meet the academic requirements required in the educational system of origin to access to university and who get accredited equivalent studies to the Spanish Baccalaureate degree;
  • students included in the section above, and although they meet all the requirements required, they want to take the general phase of the access exam.

Admission procedure

  • In any case, the homologation from the original degree to the Spanish Baccalaureate degree must be requested. It can be requested in the following addresses:

Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
Subdirección General de Títulos, Convalidaciones y Homologaciones
Paseo del Prado, 28.
28014 Madrid
Tel.: +34 902 218 500

Delegació del Govern
Àrea d'Alta Inspecció d'Educació
Serveis Perifèrics
C/ Ciutat de Querétaro, s/n
Tel.: +34 971 98 94 11

All the information about validations and homologation of foreign degrees can be found on the  Ministry of Education webside.

  • These students have to take the university access exam at UNED headquarters (with the possibility to take it in the countries where there is a Ministry of Education in the Spanish embassy). This exam will have the same structure that the university access exam for the students with the Baccalaureate degree or the equivalent. The exam exercises corresponding to Baccalaureate common subjects will be adjusted to the adapted curriculums that will be approved by the Ministry of Education. This access exam will have the same validity and number of calls that the exam for the students with Baccalaureate degree or the equivalent to Spanish. For more information about this exam (themes, registration, dates, etc.) contact with:
  • These students have the possibility to take the specific phase of the exam to access to university to improve the admission mark. This phase will be carried out also at UNED. The admission mark will be calculated as it follows:

Admission mark = 0.6*NME + 0.4*CFG + aM1+ bM2

NME = Academic average grade = general phase qualification
M1 i M2 = the two best qualifications of the subjects passed on the specific phase
a i b = parameters of the specific phase subjects.

  • To be able to get the admission mark, the students will have to provide the appropriate academic certifications, duly translated and authenticated, that correspond to the two last academic years in the educational system of origin, from the homologated degree to the Spanish Baccalaureate degree. In case there is no certificate, the academic average grade will be a 5.
  • In case the studies require that students pass the specific access exam, the students will have to take it.
  • To access to studies with limited number of places, a pre-registration must be presented during the established terms.
  • If students want to access to studies without limited number of places, they have to register their personal and academic information at the Students Service.
  • Once the student has been accepted or has registered their information, has to join up the mentoring programme (established by the Tutorial Action Plan) and afterwards formalize the registration.

If the student does not have the enough studies to access to the university, can do the access through age, working and professional experience criteria established by the RD 1892/2008.