Students from educational systems of EU member states or other states with which Spain has signed international agreements

General information

Access for students from educational systems of European Union member states or other states with international agreements on the basis of reciprocity.


As in provided in the organic law 2/2006, LOE and the RD 1892/2008, can abide the students:

These students can access to the spanish university in the same conditions that the students who have passed the exam to access to university for Baccalaureate students.

They don't need to take any access exam in their university or make the Baccalaureate degree to access to Spanish universities equivalent. However, the homologation will be necessary for other purposes different from the access.

Admission procedure

  • It must be verified, through UNED, that all the access requirements are accomplished. For this reason, the students must present a credential to UNED through an online application form during the established terms:
  • Although they are not obligated to take the general phase of the exam to access to university if they wish, they can take it; in this case, they have to contact with UNED. For more information, they have to contact with:
  • They have the possibility to take the specific phase of the exam to access to university to improve the admission mark. This phase will take place at UNED. In this case, the admission mark will be calculated through the credential mark:

Admission mark = credential mark + aM1 + bM2

    In case there is no mark in the credential, the admission mark will be calculated with a 5.
    M1 i M2 = the two best qualifications of the subjects passed on the specific phase
    a i b = parameters of the specific phase subjects

  • In case the studies require that students pass the specific access exam, the students will have to take it.
  • To access to studies with limited number of places, a pre-registration must be presented during the established terms.
  • If students want to access to studies without limited number of places, they have to register their personal and academic information at the Students Service.
  • Once the student has been accepted or has registered their information, has to join up the mentoring programme (established by the Tutorial Action Plan) and afterwards formalize the registration.

If the student does not have the enough studies to access to the university, can do the access through age, working and professional experience criteria established by the RD 1892/2008.